Q). What is GovConMedia™?

A). We're a media publication that primarily covers the government contracting sector.


Q). Who owns GovConMedia™?

A). GovConMedia™ is owned by GovCon IP, LLC which is owned by Robb Industrial Corporation and is published by Robb Publishing Online Media Group (RPOMG).


Q). How can I be a writer/contributor for GovConMedia™?

A). Email us a writing sample along with your resume and we'll get back to you. Thank you for your interest.


Q). How can I be a guest on GovTalk™ podcast?

A). Please email, call, or text us so we can learn more about you.


Q). How can I get free GovConMedia™ stickers?

A). Please email us and we'll send you some free stickers.


Q). How do you vet the people you interview for GovConMedia™?

A). We do our very best to do thorough research (past performances, publicly available data, recommendations, and more) on anyone we choose to have on any of our platforms.


Q). How can I get tickets for GovConUnited™?

A). Please visit the website (govconunited.com) for event tickets, merch, and so much more!


Q). I have more questions; how do I get in contact with GovConMedia™?

A). You can call, email, or text us 24/7.